Middleton Math

About Middleton Math

I created Middleton Math because I love math and I want to help people love themselves and experience more ease in their lives.

By teaching math in a visual and playful way, I make math easy and fun for students to learn. It is my honor to support your family in living your life (and learning math) with ease.

My Core Values


Math doesn’t have to be hard and neither does life.


Life is better when you are true to your word.


Relationships are more important than math.

A Little Bit About Me

World Traveler

Book Worm

University Lecturer

Oldest of 11

Youth Camp Mentor

Spreadsheet Ninja

Digital Nomad

Bilingual Wannabe

Self-Help Enthusiast

My Professional Experience


Graduated with my Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics Education


Taught math at for an online high school and middle school


Graduated with my Master of Science degree in Mathematics


Tutor and teach Middleton Math courses online

Teach college math courses at my local university

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